Choose your own color Rock Lights
This is a set of Rock lights that let you adjust their color. Connect them to a linear or two/three-position channel and you can set them from Off to White. In between, the color changes.
That's confusing, isn't it?
Let's pretend it is on a linear channel with a knob. At one end of the knob's rotation, the rock lights are off. Turn the knob a little and the rock lights come on with a color (let's say Red). Keep rotating the knob and the color changes... yellow, orange green, blue, purple. Just dial up the color you like. Keep turning and the rock lights light up white.
If you were running this from a two-position channel, depending on where you set your channel's end-points sets the color you see. Start it at black with -100 on your end-point (this varies with transmitter manufacturer) and set the other end point to the color you like or turn it up all the way for white! If you back up just a little from white, the color will cycle creating kind of a rainbow effect.
There is another controller available that doesn't need a free channel in order to operate. Just apply power and rotate a knob to set the color.
These rock lights will operate from 5 to 10 volts.